Sold thanks

Located in Jita 4-4
Best roll out of 3 - (2 Massively Bricked)
Feel free to Make offers not looking for any Insane Price.
This web goes to the Highest Bidder in 7 Days which is the 4th June after downtime.


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1b offer

1.5b bid

2b bid

thanks for the bids keep it up.
6 Days left.

2.1b bid

3.5 bid

4 bil

6 bil

Good bids keep it up. 5 Days Remain :heart:

Daily dose of Bump 4d Left

To the top. 1 Day Left :ok_hand:

uhm… 7b ;p

7,1 bil

8 bil !!


8.2 bil

last bump of this post


9 bil