Make offers: I am willing to sell as a set or individually, I am also willing to sell under contract value to sweeten the deal.
Offers here = Ingame mail will be sent
Name of Blueprint ME TE
Cap Armor Plates Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Armor Plates Blueprint (BPO) 6 0
Cap Capacitor Battery Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Cargo Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 20
Cap Cargo Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 16
Cap Cargo Bay Blueprint (BPO) 6 0
Cap Clone Vat Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Computer System Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Construction Parts Blueprint (BPO) 9 12
Cap Construction Parts Blueprint (BPO) 8 8
Cap Corporate Hangar Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Doomsday Weapon Mount Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Drone Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 20
Cap Drone Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Drone Bay Blueprint (BPO) 7 18
Cap Jump Bridge Array Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Jump Drive Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Launcher Hardpoint Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Power Generator Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Propulsion Engine Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Propulsion Engine Blueprint (BPO) 8 8
Cap Sensor Cluster Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Shield Emitter Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cap Siege Array Blueprint (BPO) 10 20
Cap Turret Hardpoint Blueprint (BPO) 10 18
Cyclops I Blueprint (BPO) 8 0
Malleus I Blueprint (BPO) 8 0
Mantis I Blueprint (BPO) 0 0
Tyrfing I Blueprint (BPO) 0 0
Apostle Blueprint (BPO) 6 4
Charon Blueprint (BPO) 10 14
Moros Blueprint (BPO) 8 12
Thanatos Blueprint (BPO) 9 16
Obelisk Blueprint (BPO) 8 14