[SOLD] WTS JF Pilot 13.2m SP

Taking offers For JF pilot


Located Jita 4-4

I will pay transfer (credit card)
Positive Wallet
0.0 sec standing
No Killrights
In NPC Corp
2 Bonus Remaps

And come on be fair awesome name for a JF pilot right?

8b ready

Looking for more, but thx for the offer

10 bil

11 bil

Skillboard not working

fixed, thx for mentioning

Auction will end today at 6pm eve time.

Also adding a Buyout setting it at 15B

Hello 12B


13 Bill


Your move closing in 30min

13.5B :crying_cat_face:


@Vitus_Babylon :eyes:


Awaiting money on character. plz ingame mail for transfer.

Isk & Account name has been sent.


money and mail recived


Transfer paid and started. Keep me posted in case of errors/troubles.


Thank you very much @Totally_Blind