
Positive Wallet
No Kill rights
Jump Clones located in Hisec
Located in Jita
in NPC corp despite what skillboard currently shows…

4/5 +5 Training pod (no charisma implant)
4/4 Geno Implant set + 6-10 hardwirings

40b offer to get you started,
please specify min and B/O price if any. :bowing_man:

42bil BO. ISK in hand

43b .

44b offer

Mystery Knight I can offer you 47B

Is this character still for sale? 46b

I can provide 46.5B

Mystery Knight I can offer you 47B.

Yes still for sale - thanks for the offers but I’m not gonna sell for less than extract value. Not in a rush right now so I’ll wait and see what other bids come in.

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