sold, thanks for the bidding

50 B
If you agree, you can contract to me

52bil, if I win, please contract it to this char

53b if i lose contract it to this char

54bil. If I win contract it to Legit Salesgirl

1 Like

ftr, I will contract this print to whoever convince me with their offer… then you can contract it with each other as you wish :upside_down_face:

mail sent


59b, if i win contract it to yourself. If that doesn’t work contract it to me.

60 B
Can I have it? :laughing:

Thanks for all the offers. A sale or buyout if you prefer is set 120bil. It is not cheap I know, but I have seen a couple of ammo prints reaching that price recently and all sorts of junk modules. While this baby, you can manufacture and use or sell.

Offers close to the asking price will be considered.

Best of luck!



too late, it got sold some time ago

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