Pilot will be in Jita for the transfer
Positive wallet
NPC corp
All relevant rules will be followed
Mid-Grade Amulet Clone
Open to offers, 45bil insta buys it
Pilot will be in Jita for the transfer
Positive wallet
NPC corp
All relevant rules will be followed
Mid-Grade Amulet Clone
Open to offers, 45bil insta buys it
do you have focused dreadnought toon?
Not for sale sorry
if there is a moros focsued toon, I will overpay, over pay for it
are you ingame rn?
Will you take 40 for it?
Thanks for the offer
If no better offers are made before downtime tomorrow (23rd) I’ll take 40b
Thats fine, if i find a better toon by then i might retract my offer so you are aware not trying to rush you.
If you accept by end of the day today ill offer 42B
Ok, will accept that at 1600 Eve Time today
It’s a new thread so I’d like to give a few more hours for people to see it
Ok accepted, send ISK and account info please
Im at work atm ill send it once im home in 4 hrs.
No worries, the toon is yours
ISK and Account name sent.
Transfer initiated, thankyou
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