☀ [SOUSN] South Sun Industries - Sov Null - US/EU TZ


Does your corp have a link to your discord in game? Forgot to check that yesterday. I just got two years of omega time for one account. Can’t wait to check out sov. Null for first time. Is it possible to buy ships once in your null area or is it better to take in my ships from high sec? How hard is it to safely make it to you guys from high sec. I have other questions too. I’ll wait to ask most of discord. Was having to much fun doing other things in eve yesterday in a mc Donald’s lol on their wifi.

Heya, Its in the ad :slight_smile:


Come join us !!

Still recruiting!

Still recruiting. Now with our own website!! https://southsunindustries.com/

Bump bump

Still recruiting!

Still recruiting.

bump bump

Why are you runnin??

bump bump

still recruiting

still recruiting, come join us!!

Come hither chillen!

if you don’t Hoador will cry

Daily Bump! I have recently taken over as director of recruitment here at SOUSN, only a little over a month after joining. This corp is a great group of guys and always a good time on coms, come check us out!

Daily Bump!