Stain Train - TD [US/AUTZ] - NS Corp

Hi Everyone,

Are you looking for a newb friendly/old school no BS/no Drama kind of group?

Well look no further we have the group for you!

Stain Train is looking for players of all skill levels new to experienced to join our ranks today!


PVP Focused.
We live in Tenerifis Null and expect you to show an effort to be out here with us.
Our Focus is USTZ with a dash of AUTZ in there.

What We Need:

Motivated/Chill people willing to learn and just get out and have fun.
The ability to fly doctrine ships.
The ability to show up to fleet ops (Real Life First still applies).
The ability to listen to the FC’s.
English speaking as all the FC’s are English.
Be active and on comms. (Discord/Mumble)
5m SP preferred, but are new friendly.

What we offer:

Infrastructure for Industry etc.
Upgraded Ratting Systems
English Speaking
Veteran Player’s to help newer players
Small gang/Midsize gang fights
Null Warfare

Also looking for new corps to join alliance for any timezone!

Check Us Out in Discord here: Stain Train Alliance Discord
Check Us Out in Game here: “Stain Train Pub” in game channel

Come on around and say hi o/

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