Strange EVE/Discord Bug

I had logged into Discord and joined a large fleet a few days ago. On then logging into EVE, I had the curious phenomenon of the Discord fleet member list appearing faintly on the left side of the EVE screen…literally becoming part of the EVE UI…basically making a complete mess and other stuff there very hard to see.

Nothing I did would fix the issue, and after 10 minutes of this my PC crashed…basically went into GPU overheating mode with a quite noisy GPU fan.

On logging in again and mentioning the issue in fleet chat, I was informed of a function called ‘Enable In-Game Overlay’ in Discord. Well, that flag was somehow set to ‘On’, even though I had never set it such, so I don’t know if that is the default. Anyway, disabling the in-game overlay seems to have fixed the issue.

I’m not entirely clear why anyone would want Discord overlaying EVE, or why this then leads to such high GPU usage the game crashes, but for anyone else experiencing the same issue…disabling that flag is the fix.


Having an overlay is very useful as it allows you to see the name of who is talking while you are playing the game.

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Sure. Though I would replace “very useful” with “comes in handy sometimes”.

But the OP seemed to be suggesting it shouldn’t be the default setting.

To which I agree.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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It’s not an overlay as with Eve-O that occupies its own distinct space. This is more like a faint list of names randomly plonked on the screen and ‘overlaying’ existing stuff on the screen. So you’d have to clear all that stuff somewhere else. Plus you’re never going to get all of a fleet of 250 on the page anyway. The main issue is that it leads to screen freezes and crashes in dock. And that’s on an RTX 3060, which should be able to cope.

This is a Discord setting that happens in any game that you allow Discord to overlay. You can turn it off in Discord if you don’t like it.

Last time I used Discord overlay has been a couple of years ago but I recall you can choose the location on the screen you want it to be in. See if any of those matches an empty space on your game’s UI, EVE in this case.

About those 250 people not fitting on screen: try the option that only shows the latest speaker instead of all of the players in the channel. It’s much more useful to distinguish who is speaking with only a couple of names, without taking up half your screen!

Or turn off the overlay. I tend to use it though as I want to be able to know who is talking.

I don’t disagree. Discord has made more bad choices, I try to avoid using it when I can.