Surgical Strike Update Follow-up

Why would you want to if they’re worse, just the use the one capital cap booster and be done with it?


only T2 blaster, Pulse and Autocannon short range ammo.

and rockets too right?

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And rockets, torpedos, and HAMs using rage ammo. Might have forgotten some, but I’m not a missiles guy.

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@CCP_Rise @CCP_Dopamine

I would strongly suggest looking at adding Cyno Inhibition to the effects of the Bastion Module

This would increase the usage and usefulness of Marauders in PVP and as a role in a fleet. It would also give balance to capital pvp.

It would also give Marauders a fighting chance in solo pvp because currently they are HAW dread magnets.

This would be a great justification for their price in relation to capitals and reason to fly an underused ship class.

@CCP_Rise @CCP_Dopamine

No comment on last two viable minmatar sub caps being taken out back and put down?

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This becomes better than a cyno inhibitor for capital fleets. Too OP.

This is where there might be some confusion which is why I am asking for clarification. For example, blaster T2 ammo has Void, the short short range ammo, and Null, the short long range ammo. The dev post only refers to the short short range ammo, which is why I was asking.

Damn, you have faith… that is… surprising… because I still remember the thread where he stated

And that was in October of 2018… guess how much things have changed since then (well since November when they took the ‘first step’)… that’s right, not one bit :expressionless:

So I have less faith that a response from CCP Rise will lead to anything other than the lip service of the initial post.



Yea but when they are in bastion… they can’t catch reps so they will die quicker than a regular inhib that’s supported by FAX

It’s just the short shorts per SISI

(obligitory who shoots short shorts joke)

Ok, good to know. Hence why I am then asking for a buff for short longs. :v:

Sorry, I’m bad with jokes, got nuthin for short shorts humor… :face_with_head_bandage:

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You haven’t addressed any of the issues surrounding the resist nerf.

  1. Buffing kiters.
  2. Nerfing brawlers.
  3. Buffing cheap doctrines.
  4. Nerfing expensive small fleet doctrines.
  5. Nerfing all doctrines other than the Muninn.
  6. Buffing suicide ganking against everything other than freighters.

Please, just scrap the resist nerf. This is a bad idea.

  1. Buffing kiters - why would this be bad?
  2. Nerfing brawlers - they got +15% to T2 short range ammo
  3. Buffing cheap doctrines - this is a good thing
  4. Nerfing expensive small fleet doctrines. - this is a good thing
  5. Nerfing all doctrines other than the Muninn. - elaborate?
  6. Buffing suicide ganking against everything other than freighters.- they planning on buffing base HP of certain classes of ships in response to emergent behavior and feedback. I anticipate T1/T2 transports and barges will also get some love
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Honestly as a ganker I would be happy scrapping this change

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A lot of the time you aren’t going to burn timers to dreadbomb for a structure bash, jump ranges are a thing.

If jump ranges is what is preventing you from bashing, you’re bad at the game and need to learn how to plan and prepare.

Where have they said this, for anything other than a HP increase for Freighters?

:point_up_2:said in context of HP buffs

No you mung, if a large null block were knocking off a forti owned by a 60 man allaince with a sub hundred man defense fleet most won’t bother moving caps unless they are in jumprange from staging.

If not you just zerg them under with massed HACs or Ferroxes.

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