(Delve Sov/NULL) The Crown: Dreams of Null and ISK

*TS3 & Jabber Required

*CTA/PAP Fleets (Minimum monthly participation either solo or as part of corp operations)

*Ore Anomalies (High-grade Ark/Bist/Croc/Mercoxit)

*Ice Anomalies

*Moon Mining

*Ore/Ice/Salvage/PI Buyback

*Combat Anomalies (Everything from Forsaken Dens for newbros to get their teeth bloody to Sanctums for the hardened combat pilot saving for their next set of bling.)

*Ship Replacement Program

*Jumpbridges available to facilitate moving back and forth in Sov Null.

*Access to the largest trade hub in Null.

*Members of the Imperium.

*PVP fleets for both standing response and roams. Jabber Pings and more opportunities.

*Know what dangers lurk in the void with the Intel channel.