The Extortionists Mercs for hire no job to small

Hungry for contracts!!!

Please contact me ingame, I have a request.

I mean if you donā€™t know who Ragnar is then your probably not the customer heā€™s looking for.

Heā€™s the guy that will appear from know where to snag your Structure kill. Heā€™s the guy that will launch comrades through a crit hole to ensure he keeps his commitment to his clients and will always share a list of the inventory that you could have had of he didnā€™t show up.

A true pirate in very sense of the word. But very pleasant gentlemen to deal with.


bumping still active

Still taking contracts!


Looking for new merc contracts! Hit me up in-game

can you contact bioshibby thedestroyer in game please i am looking to hire mercs.

Bump still open for contractsā€¦ especially wormhole defence/ attack/ camping