Sorry for the late reply! If you are still interested, it isn’t difficult to move ships to us at all. Hit me up with a mail in game.
TRO is still open for recruitment!
TRO Still open for recruitment!
Still recruiting!
TROLLC Is still open for recruitment! Hit me up with a mail!
Still open for recruits!
TRORE is still open for recruits!
Ok, so I am fairly new and looking for a mining / industry corp. Can you explain what an API check is?
the API check is basically a background check, it gives recruiting corps access to your profile information such as characters, transaction history, EVEMail, stuff like that. Its so they can check for suspicious activity and stuff like that to ensure they aren’t letting in unsavoury characters who are looking to do harm.
Or thats my understanding of it in the week i’ve been playing and reading the forums.
An API Check is basically when you submit your API, it allows us to look over some details of your character such as mails, contacts, skills, purchases, etc. And as The Mooch moreo stated, ensures that nothing suspicious is going on.
The Rebel Ore LLC is still open for recruitment! Mail me!
Still recruiting! Shoot me a mail!!
hi, i wish to apply to your corp, i would like to learn the ropes of this game in a safe enviroment. i am interested in the industry and mining aspect. i have been training but i don’t know if i am on the right path. anyway… i hope to be accepted. thx.
Hello Zadon! I’d definitely be happy to welcome you in! I’ll shoot you a mail in game and we can chat further!
Still open and recruiting! All miners are welcome!
Bump Up. We are still looking for members!
Bump, Still open for recruitment!
Sent you a mail in game, I’m interested in joining but would like to make sure it’s a good fit for me.
TRO is still recruiting!
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