Total Mayhem - Sniggerdly Training/Vetting Corp

Stop by the channel and talk to a recruiter or join our public discord and talk to a recruiter there

Still looking :thinking::call_me_hand:

still looking for new recruits!

Join channel or discord, you can even join both :thinking:

Looking for people who like to see things go :boom:

Looking for more pvpers!

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Fun times to be had by all. Get in and shoot ■■■■.

joined 2 weeks ago, already learned heaps. :fireworks:

Still looking looking all timezones.

Free bump for a good corp!

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You enjoy to PvP, hate being in a krab alliance with a bunch of F1 pushers and you still didnt join? You are doing something wrong.

Up you go, corp growing steadily, we are stepping up the shenanigans.

Still looking for more peeps.

Took out a roam to Syndicate in battlecruisers, this plus some other frags happened in just an hour, tons of fun and loot was had. What are you guys even waiting for?

Recruiting all timezones

What are you waiting for? Join us!

Indeed, what are you waiting for?

Why are you still ship spinning? Join us!!

Growing slowly but surely

Still looking for new recruits