[US/EU TZ] We Did A Thing - LS/NS/WH PvP

!!We Did A Thing!! (Alliance: Probably Up To No Good)

We are a PvP focused corp, that dabbles in a little bit of PvE.
No SP requirements

PvP focuses are: Small Gang Roams, Gate Camps, Faction Warfare
PvE focuses are: Homefronts (Wanting to move into incursions), and a little bit of LS gas mining and explo
-Free Ships for new players to get started
-100% Jita Buyback (We don’t do the -10% bs, you earned your money)
-0% taxes

Current Corp Situation: (So you’re not making a blind decision)
We base out of a HS, one jump out of LS that has a lot of good gas sites to mine.
We are also right next to minmatar faction warfare, but are looking to get the numbers up to push into the LS region next door.

Future plans:
As mentioned above, we want to push into the LS next door soon. Once there, we can really setup a base of operations, and begin to branch out.
-Pirate FW (Cartel)
-BLOPS (Stealth Bombers/Black Ops Battleships/Force Recons)

Things to not expect:
-Null sec blob warfare: A lot of us are older pilots, who don’t want to do the large TIDI fights anymore. There’s very little interest in capitals. We have them, they’ll just never get used. We prefer Battleships and Smaller.

Things to expect:
We have a well rounded group of pilots in the community! There’s people out pvping regularly or finding ways to make isk. We do Homefronts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 17:00 eve time (Runs for about 2 hours), to get some isk in everyones wallets.

We enjoy joking around with eachother, and just having a good time. We’re group focused. Solo pilots are more than welcome. But we like to include everyone in what we do.

No obligations: You don’t need to be on every day. There’s no weekly/monthly minimum for CTA fleet requirements. If your not interested in what the corp is doing that day. Don’t feel like you need to force yourself to be there and enjoy it.

I hope this helped inform you of what we’re all about! If you’re interested, feel free to send a mail, open a chat with me in-game, and/or join our recruitment channel (recruitment.PUTTZ).

If not! Thanks again for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day, and fly safe/dangerously! o7

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Daily Bump :slight_smile:

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Bumpinator :smiley:

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My IGN is Coate, can you chuck me a message regarding joining? :slight_smile:

Just going to join the rec channel now. Scrap that.








Friendly bump