Still just a loser…a sad sad loser that failed at EVE and is sobbing daily over it.
You troll a forum for a game you don’t even play.
Sad loser.
Eve online is boring, teasing fanboys and bittervets are fun
This is your life…trolling…
This is all you are…
Hint…you are trolling a forum for a game you don’t play…
You are a sad loser…
Normally, it would be embarrassing to play and pay such a bad game
You are trolling a game forum that you don’t even play…you are a loser.
You are literally wasting your time on something you claim to hate.
I didn’t say you hated anyone…try again loser.
Your hobby is to troll a game you don’t play…
Total sad loser…this is all you have in life.
ISD can we lock this one please? I think the conversation has been over for a while.
let me be your editor edit: yeah this is reply to the original post
Obviously not too many people feel shame in “winning” this way. true
this would be stooping to their level. true
this is cheating/poor form/dishonorable. true
fights SHOULD be won by the multiboxers, because 1+1=2>1
a fight should be won by the person who brings more characters? no. if it happens, thats bad game mechanics
One thing I love about EVE is, one person’s hell is another person’s fun. what, guilty concience?
Obviously this is just a game. everything is just a game
Limited rules means that their abuse will be more obvious
One more question for those of you using alts to pvp: thats rhetoric question
Looking for some honest, mature answers here! thats nonsense. youll mostly find dishonest, immature individs here. this just a game a breeding ground for them
Not sure why i’m seeing your posts, as you and your alt are on my 20+ name strong ignore list.
Is this a new alt of yours?
List Updated.
CORRECTION: Both your alts weren’t on my list. Now they are.
Confucius said:
“Anyone who resorts to use of alts in solo PvP have already lost.”
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