
Всем привет у кого нибудь есть достойный фит Vedmak для Соло PvP?

No hablo russian.

English, or ask this in the russian section of the forums.

Im Canadian.

But thanks for replying in english, while saying no to english.

Again, there is a section of the forums for you and your kind. Please go there, or speak english here. Youve taken the first step, by replying in english. Now take the second.

EDIT: Added quote because he removed his comment.

@Oleg_Myravev - People from all the world play EvE. We all must use a common language for the practical reason of communicating with each other.

I suppose we are lucky EvE isn’t all in the Icelandic language, since it is from Iceland. Although it would be funny if they did that for a few days. :smiley:

There are many Russian people who play this game. As with other players, some choose to use English language that is required on most of the forums to communicate effectively with each other while also using Russian in the Russian language subforum (there are also French and German language subforums)

There are also many Americans who play this game as well as many others. So relax.



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