Posting from an alt but as the title says experienced player who recently came back from a multi-year break looking for a lowsec/nullsec group that is pvp focused. Can fly everything including caps/supers/blops and am self sufficient in terms of isk and ships. Have multiple cap alts, cynos, etc.
Really not looking for a group that is adverse to undocking as I know a lot of groups are
Nothing against it, but I am looking to have fun outside of a station or citadel.
TDSIN is recruiting and we live in lowsec! We actively hunt for pvp content in the space we live and use the abundance of wormhole connections to our advantage in finding targets to jump on across all of New Eden. Black ops are fun! This also helps us get trade routes for logistics.
We live in the centre of Solitude so we can operate throughout the entire region as well as into Syndicate, Placid, Aridia, and hunt through wormhole space!
If that interests you, join our in game channel “TDSIN Recruitment” and come have a chat!
Hi. You should check out Noir. We’re a merc alliance that lives in Thera, but we take contracts all over the game, doing everything from NS constellation harassments to WH structure saves to just making timers in an area to see who sides with who. We’ve been around quite a while, long enough to have our own module and we even have the undisputed longest running EVE podcast. Our players are fairly evenly split between EU and US TZ so you will have people to fly with. If objective oriented PvP sounds interesting to you, come chat with us on our Discord.
Alahn Kishunuba, Manage to find something suiting? We sent a mail in game, we’d be happy to welcome you to our corp/community. Hope we hear back from you.