War Eagle Fleet - Unlimited Null Life - NC. - Highly Active PvP-based Corp




WEF’s recruiting is officially reopened! Come join us and our friends in NC. today!

Come check us out and talk to someone today!

Join Us!

Bumping this to the top! Message me if interested.

Jumping a flight drunk AF boiz somebody hit me up with some recruitment ■■■■. Join us! We are not your normal corp!

Bumping this up! Hit up a recruiter today and build this corp with us.

Like chill fleets and chill pilots? WEF is the place.

Morning all! Time to app up!

Taking apps. Hit me up


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Check us out!

We’re building back to previous strengths and organization. Get in at the ground level now and be a part of our rise!

Want to lead a division in a corp with a history of supporting it’s team? WEF is here.

Small gang PVP lives right here at WEF!