War Eagle Fleet - Unlimited Null Life - NC. - Highly Active PvP-based Corp

Your corp/alliance slowing down? No content?? JOIN WEF TODAY!!!

Have you built a corp and can no longer keep up with the management? Looking for a merger to give your dudes the beat game they can get?? CONTACT WEF TODAY!!!

Getting bored with Eve? Corp chat quiet?


Hello Capsuleers!

War Eagle Fleet is a proud member of GoonSwarm Federation, actively living and prospering in null sec alongside some fantastic allies in the Imperium. We are currently recruiting members who are eager to make lots of isk and get those dank frags. We are a group with some great PvP pilots, however we understand that this is not what EVE is all about, and we certainly are not elitists. It takes many hands to make a corporation tick, therefore we need builders, ratters, miners, leaders, and everything in between. We will help anyone who wants to learn to PvP, but you need to enjoy the game and we give you the freedom to do that.

What we can offer you:

  • Corp activity across the EUTZ and USTZ primarily, although we are looking to develop AUTZ
  • Discord and Mumble for communications and interaction with alliance Jabber/Pidgin
  • PvP fleets with some fantastic FC’s (large scale, medium scale, small gang, and solo opportunities)
  • Nullsec space with some of the most valuable ores, moon goo, PI, and ratting anomalies in EVE (Dozens of moons pulling right now!
  • Supercapital umbrella for serious protection
  • Corp buyback program
  • Ratting & mining fleets + PVP
  • Access to great local markets (with jump bridges for easy access and travel)
  • The freedom to enjoy EVE as you see fit
  • Logistics network in place at great prices to move your things around
  • Low stress casual gameplay where EVE is seen as a game, not a job
  • Excellent team that will make you one of their own - WEF FAM!

We offer much more than that, but that gives you a rough idea of the sort of things you can expect in our space.

What we are looking for:

  • 10m SP minimum (though we have a high sec corp for learning and growing as well)
  • Omega accounts - Alphas are welcome in our high sec corp
  • Pilots of all walks of life (pvp, pve, mining, exploration, and more!)
  • No drama, and a good level of maturity
  • Be able to take a joke (If you get offended by everything you won’t make it here, but nobody here sets out to alienate anyone either)
  • Willing to train into alliance doctrines for home defense if you can’t already fly them
  • Participate when you can and support your team
  • MUST be logged into comms (You don’t have to talk, but be logged in)
  • Corp mergers - We are looking to grow with likeminded friends!
    *** Capital/Supercapital/Titan Pilots, Graphics Designers for Media Production, PVPers, FCs, and generally fun pilots.

In WEF, we treat EVE as a game, and thus we don’t expect you to be online at all hours of the day. Real life always comes first, we have many members of all ages, some with families and other commitments. We login, have some laughs, blow up some ships (or get blown up), make some isk, and log out. We do have big aspirations, though, so come join us in this journey and be a part of the family!

If this sounds like a good situation for you, please feel free to contact us via the following methods:

  • Ingame Channel WEF-PUB
  • EVE Mail Gideon Golgothus Hiruken Kurvora Xallaxa Shinkicker Kicker Havock 06 LexisPrime

All are welcome to apply, newbros and veterans alike. Come get rich with us in some of the best space in New Eden.

Fly Safe o7

Hello Capsuleers!

War Eagle Fleet is a proud member of GoonSwarm Federation, actively living and prospering in null sec alongside some fantastic allies in the Imperium. We are currently recruiting members who are eager to make lots of isk and get those dank frags. We are a group with some great PvP pilots, however we understand that this is not what EVE is all about, and we certainly are not elitists. It takes many hands to make a corporation tick, therefore we need builders, ratters, miners, leaders, and everything in between. We will help anyone who wants to learn to PvP, but you need to enjoy the game and we give you the freedom to do that.

What we can offer you:

  • Corp activity across the EUTZ and USTZ primarily, although we are looking to develop AUTZ
  • Discord and Mumble for communications and interaction with alliance Jabber/Pidgin
  • PvP fleets with some fantastic FC’s (large scale, medium scale, small gang, and solo opportunities)
  • Nullsec space with some of the most valuable ores, moon goo, PI, and ratting anomalies in EVE (Dozens of moons pulling right now!
  • Supercapital umbrella for serious protection
  • Corp buyback program
  • Ratting & mining fleets + PVP
  • Access to great local markets (with jump bridges for easy access and travel)
  • The freedom to enjoy EVE as you see fit
  • Logistics network in place at great prices to move your things around
  • Low stress casual gameplay where EVE is seen as a game, not a job
  • Excellent team that will make you one of their own - WEF FAM!

We offer much more than that, but that gives you a rough idea of the sort of things you can expect in our space.

What we are looking for:

  • 10m SP minimum (though we have a high sec corp for learning and growing as well)
  • Omega accounts - Alphas are welcome in our high sec corp
  • Pilots of all walks of life (pvp, pve, mining, exploration, and more!)
  • No drama, and a good level of maturity
  • Be able to take a joke (If you get offended by everything you won’t make it here, but nobody here sets out to alienate anyone either)
  • Willing to train into alliance doctrines for home defense if you can’t already fly them
  • Participate when you can and support your team
  • MUST be logged into comms (You don’t have to talk, but be logged in)
  • Corp mergers - We are looking to grow with likeminded friends!
    *** Capital/Supercapital/Titan Pilots, Graphics Designers for Media Production, PVPers, FCs, and generally fun pilots.

In WEF, we treat EVE as a game, and thus we don’t expect you to be online at all hours of the day. Real life always comes first, we have many members of all ages, some with families and other commitments. We login, have some laughs, blow up some ships (or get blown up), make some isk, and log out. We do have big aspirations, though, so come join us in this journey and be a part of the family!

If this sounds like a good situation for you, please feel free to contact us via the following methods:

  • Ingame Channel WEF-PUB
  • EVE Mail Gideon Golgothus Hiruken Kurvora Xallaxa Shinkicker Kicker Havock 06 LexisPrime

All are welcome to apply, newbros and veterans alike. Come get rich with us in some of the best space in New Eden.

Fly Safe o7

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Check us out today for content of all kinds and a community that is second to none!


Looking for a new corp? Check us out and chat a recruiter today!

Good morning, Eve!

Good night, Eve!

Getting bored? Join WEF and become part of a highly active and accomplished fam with many forms of gameplay and content generation available to all!

We just got quite a few new moons, and we support all types of playstyles. :smiley:


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Industry, Logistics, Buyback, Mining, Pochven, and, of course, PVP!!

We have it all! Now, all we need is YOU!!

Bump! Ffor friends fantastic corp good guys.

New Reddit recruiting advert up!

Morning, friendos! Stop by WEF-PUB in game and say hello or contact me directly on Discord if you’re interested in joining. Awesome group just looking to continue growing.


Recent WEF funsies :eagle:

o7 Bretheren of The Eagle!

As part of my little southern style good ole fashioned PVP revival series and return from RL ops, I am pinging Drunk Fleet FUCKIN EARLY this week!! GET READY FOR SOME FUK! We’re goin’ old school on this ■■■■ and dressing to impress. So, get your ■■■■■■■ life in order and get your sweet ass to Drunk Fleet this Friday at 2300 to fly with your good good buddy Gideon once again!

Y’all scope out one of our lead FCs running empire incursions SOLO! Twitch

Drunk Fleet ping!

Tonight is the night that all you slobbering, mangy, uggos get to hang out with all your uggo corp buddies and super duper cool good lookin’ CEO for a good old fashioned DRUNK FLEET. Hmmmmmm maybe a carrier escort through space? Who knows!? All I can tell you is don’t fly what you aren’t willing to lose and get ready for a good friggin time! SEE YOU THEN!!!

Form: 2300 1DQ
Depart: No later than 2320
FC: Officially Drunk Gideon
Doctrine: Battlecruisers PLUS! As always, fly whatever you choose but the theme here is BIG.
Fleet: ■■■■ Your Liver
WEF Radio: Jukebox
Video Feed: Discord
MISSION: SEND EVERYONE IN OUR PATH TO VALHALLAAAAAA!!! :muscle:<a:danceRareEagle:927882003272048661> :metal: