War Eagle Fleet - Unlimited Null Life - NC. - Highly Active PvP-based Corp

Some thing to listen to while applying at WEF_PUB in game.

https://seat.oneofus.one/home & https://wareaglefleet.ovh/ are both down

What is the highsec corp?

SeAT | Sign In is working for me.
Will ask a director to check it when one is online.

Recruiting still active DONT BE SHY COME SAY HI

Ahoy, space nerds!! WEF recruiting is now OPEN!! Come check us out!!

Hi guys I am a returning Eve player my main character is :-

Mankind mkII
Born 2003.07.12 @ 23:47
Total net wort is 23.7B
Currently have 1B isk in wallet
Total skill points 83M
I can do pvp/pve and anything inbetween ( as soon as I relearn the game :slight_smile: )
Previous experince :- My main corp for most of my time was the old Reikoku and flying under the Band of Brothers flag in the early days of this game.
Im looking to join an established corp/alliance and hope to be able to have fun and help out where ever and when I can .
Any other info you may require please dont hesitate to ask .

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It’s Sunday, boiz!! Drop by and say hi!

Camping 1-SMEB! COME SEE US!!


Drunk Fleet flies tonight!! App today and fly with us!


Mondays suck. Join WEF!!

Drunk Fleet flies tonight!!

Drunk Fleet flies tonight! Join us!!

I would like to introduce you to War Eagle Fleet; a rapidly advancing name in New Eden growing and diversifying intensely. Having achieved #8 in PVP and darkening the front page ZKill, we are a group of mostly semi-intoxicated barn animals who defecate wherever we go so people know we’ve been there. Our corporation consists of approximately 300+ toons across roughly 70 active humans. Our FCs fly all TZs but are primarily US-based, while I mostly get lubed up before taking everyone to hamtown to die on Friday nights.

Not convinced yet? Let me introduce you to a pilot culture that is as super serious as it isn’t. War Eagle Fleet is all about erasing every pilot’s sincere frustration with CCP’s constant updates and restoring individual enjoyment of the game by being dirty pricks to each other in a really fun way. We also annoy the piss out of our alliance bros!

Seriously though, if you’re looking to get super serious, we’ve got a SIG for that. And if you’re looking to get silly and lose your ■■■■, well we’re a reliable source of killmails. Bottom line is you deffo shouldn’t not hit us up and see what we’re all about.

CEO Gideon Golgothus: BosToNPriEsT#6148

Don’t forget to update your recruiting posts :slightly_smiling_face:

Attention capsuleers! Have you grown weary of the mundane emptiness of highsec? Does your soul crave excitement, adrenaline, and dank frags? War Eagle Fleet can satisfy your wildest nullsec desires!

Nestled in the heart of Brave territory, our tight-knit band of misfits, outlaws, and madlads wakes up every day choosing violence. Roams, blops, cap drops - you name it, we do it with gusto. Fade and beyond is our playground.

Our diversity is our strength. We’ve got CAS miners, market wizards, capital pilots, small gang PvPers, explorers - you’ll fit right in. Newbros can learn from our veterans. Vets can reignite their love for the game.

When we’re not defending DO6, we’re out looking for fights, dropping caps on fools, or scamming through hilarious bonus room shenanigans. No risk aversion here - only hilarious hijinks and adrenaline-pumping action.

So what are you waiting for? Ditch the boring carebear life and apply today. WEF-PUB in-game. Fly dangerously, make bank, and let’s wreak some havoc across New Eden together. You know you want to…we’ll be waiting.

Attention capsuleers! Have you grown weary of the mundane emptiness of highsec? Does your soul crave excitement, adrenaline, and dank frags? War Eagle Fleet can satisfy your wildest nullsec desires!

Nestled in the heart of Brave territory, our tight-knit band of misfits, outlaws, and madlads wakes up every day choosing violence. Roams, blops, cap drops - you name it, we do it with gusto. Fade and beyond is our playground.

Our diversity is our strength. We’ve got CAS miners, market wizards, capital pilots, small gang PvPers, explorers - you’ll fit right in. Newbros can learn from our veterans. Vets can reignite their love for the game.

When we’re not defending DO6, we’re out looking for fights, dropping caps on fools, or scamming through hilarious bonus room shenanigans. No risk aversion here - only hilarious hijinks and adrenaline-pumping action.

So what are you waiting for? Ditch the boring carebear life and apply today. WEF-PUB in-game. Fly dangerously, make bank, and let’s wreak some havoc across New Eden together. You know you want to…we’ll be waiting.