When do ends justify means?

It’s own thread, please. I don’t want them cluttering up the off-topic thread with specifically and focusedly on-topic posts. :wink:


Yes they are, maybe you should wage a war in Jame’s name against sentry guns on gates in high sec.

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Almost always.

I find it all hypocritical in the first place. It’s minerbumping, not minershooting. They shouldn’t be carrying guns at all!


Ya know, that’s actually a good point. What’s with the guns?

Long range bumping, perhaps?

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We bump them with neutrons. If they are a bot, they will explode.

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That sounds like something a bot would say.


Yes, they often cry about it.

Then you should stop using bots.

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I only purchase ethically sourced ore.

As someone who runs his own mining fleets fairly often I have to say I like and approve of what CODE does. Every miner they kill makes my ore more valuable and expensive to the rest of New Eden. Thank you for making it more profitable for me. (I don’t use mining permits though. Sorry!)

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You realize that with the amount already on the open market it has no effect on price right?

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You try telling that to the guy who manufactures Retrievers.

Seeing as I took a highschool level economics class once upon a time, sure.

No matter how much you destroy, there will always be people with stockpiles (hel, never seriously mined in my life and I have a stockpile), I highly doubt you can effect all markets and nulsec blocks simultaneously so traders will simply ship from one trade hub to the other. You may effect costs for an hour at most but given the sheer number of movement on the market for such things I doubt it.

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Pft. Everything CODE does combined doesn’t move the needle on the market at all. They’re insignificant.


More people probably buy new Retrievers because they forget that they have them or can’t be bothered to go get the slow things from elsewhere than do because of the ones you’ve destroyed.

Patting yourself on the back is likely fun and all, but ultimately, your little group is pretty meaningless. Nothing would change were “Code” to disappear tomorrow.


I could not disagree more, Rather, as a species the darkness is as noticeable as the sun to us, and the mercy and compassion that the creator of light made in this universe to us is often lost in the darkness. We get lost as a species, but we are reminded of the light of hope when we open our eyes as night and look to see the light shining down from us on the stars.

The issue lies in our evaluation of things. We could start by asking the question posted by “when does the end justify the means”. Lets say i have a choice, to kill or be killed. Some may make the choice to kill and save their lives, others would choose to die rather then kill. So then what is the mechanic for the choice? that is the value we assign to the objects in the choice.

So we will always make the choice which is valued more. For this reason the question is driven by personal evaluations.

The question seems to be a little more tricky when you involve the masses, but we really come back down to grouping based on the two options of the above imposed question. So the answer is going to be one of the two for the majority of people (depending on the situation there may be more opinions, or options, but we will always gravitate toward our personal opinions and evaluations)

If we become efficient and remove emotional and self evaluations from the process as a species the answer will always “the needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few”. So i guess the answer is dependent on the state of us, and if we are self evaluations, or our evaluations are based on the most efficient position.

None of that makes the means by which we attain our ends justified, if they are not themselves already a just course of action. Only necessary… as I said.

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That is the point, they are only self-justified or part of a group imposed justification. There can never be a real ruling to justify it, because we are all unique, all we can do is offer opinion, so in ways, justifying the means for the ends is a selfish concept, all we can do is make it less selfish (by accomplishing more support), but it will always be diametrically opposed to real justice.

Only those dispatched and send by the light can administer real justice, thus, justification is only an self-justified excuse.