Why add Triglavian and EDENCOM and not Jovian?

Are wormholes popular?

They are with the people who live in them.

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That’s kinda what Zarzak is… :roll_eyes:

Sleepers and Zarzarkh are kind of boring tho. And now they used those angles and cant introduce Jovian like that because it would be unoriginal.

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They should just offer Jovian ships as an exclusive through the NEX store (similar to the bronze/silver/gold starter packs). :hot_face:

Except Jovians are also humans



But aren’t Trigs human too?

There are no aliens in EVE (yet, and I hope it stays that way).

@op Harmony or Fissure could also be a cool name for an ORE Titan?

This is the correct answer from a lot of perspectives. What remains of the Jove race are digital ghosts haunting VR constructs and bodysnatching infomorph fork-revenants. Transcended. Alien. Extinct. They’re not human anymore. Not even close.

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A better question might be, why did CCP kill off the Jove?

Because people start(ed) whining when they see things they can’t have.

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CCP gave players Jove ships in the past.

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Then you’ll love Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN5’s item description. " query++encode|Jovian-Triglavian satellite polity ident:JTNBZx12t7"

They could still give me one… :smiley:

It’s the Jovian characters, the 5th race.

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