Why should I renew my subscription?

Stop posting lies and presenting your actions as if they were mine.

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Hehe, even ISD knows it.

Good catch.

Oh by the way, remember to play their flag game and don’t forget to invite friends.

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you seem awfully triggered by that thread

e: how many alts did you need to mass-flag me? :smiley:

Ok, many thanks for Alpha Slow and DMC for sharing their tears. They where as crisp as always.

However I would be really glad if we could get back on-topic which is a discussion about the important question “why should I renew my sunscription” and about my thoughts in the op.
Thank you.

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I think those have been addressed, and you have said you did not renew your sub and are instead running x amount of accounts off PLEX.

What else is there to add?

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Just move on if you have nothing to add please. Thanks

To whoever said sp are so important:

Here’s a video of our current csm member suitonia pvping people (who have more sp and are in superior ships) in a 17 day old trail account (pre alpha) which also made all the isk needed to buy it’s own ships itself.

He also has some alpha account pvp videos.

Experiance is just so much more important than sp.


Have you anything else to add?

I understand you spent a lot of time writing your OP (unusual for you), and are very proud of it, but what is left to discuss here?

You already decided you wont sub, and instead PLEX x accounts, and continue your SP farm operation as before.

Are you disappointed you didnt receive the support/agreement you expected?

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Hundreds of miners just got an erection.

Seriously though, CCP came up with a lot of great changes recently and if you don’t see the light, you should maybe consider trying a different path within EVE. Doing the same thing for years can get stale. You need to be the change that you want to see in the multiverse.

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Cut it with the attempts at getting tears or satisfaction lol

There’s not even a single reason for you to still be here other than to troll
Same as Alpha and DMC

Tbh I dont think there is a reason for any of us to be here.

OPs post was an extended, ambiguous whine that had it been issued by anyone else, she (and you) would have been actively trolling, as is her (your) long established style.

She has already made her decision not to sub, and continue running her SP farm and use PLEX instead.

What else is there to say?

Why are you here?

Not saying I am, but what would be wrong with that?
Dont you like tears and satisfaction?

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I’m. Here to see what useless things people have to say over a simple question :wink:

Also, why haven’t you joined the board Drac sent you?

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There was nothing “simple” about OPs post.
It was an extended ambiguous whine that she resolutely refused to simplify/specify on.

Ima is not an easy person to deal with.
Prone to avoidance.
It was like pulling teeth, to finally outline 3 criteria that her post boiled down to.
I had to do that work by reading between the lines of what she refuses to address in her own situation.

Will, Soon ™

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Mass alt or antipath group flagging is nothing new, bro.

Even on the old boards it would frequently happen when certain vested interest groups would spam complaints to shut down views they dont like.

You’d have to be wearing that crap tinfoil hat NOT to accept that as true.

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Take into account the actual comments that were flagged and it’s really far-fetched to blame that on alt-mass-flagging. The crap that did get flagged deserved to get flagged.

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What are you? the moderator? I think not. Please move on if you are not interested in a discussion about the topic

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I’m just a guy responding to you in public thread in a forum, expressing my views on topic.

I have discussed the topic, and am interested in it.

I just dont see what else there is to discuss.

You already said you wont sub, and will instead PLEX x accounts, and continue to run your SP farm as before.

What more is there?

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And you are the center of the world? If there is nothing left to discuss for you then move on. It does not mean however that there is nothing left to discuss for others.


Are you?

Why then havent you moved on?

Youve said you wont/didnt sub, and will instead PLEX x accounts, and continue to run your SP farm as before.

What is there left to discuss?

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