Activating a Warp Disruptor on someone gets you CONCORDed.

This is already the case. That’s why it is called ‘suicide’ ganking. CONCORD infallibly comes down on you like a ton of bricks in seconds and destroys your ship and prevents you from boarding another for 15 minutes. I am not sure what more “risk” or “punishment” you want when you already, 100% lose everything.

And because of this most pirates live outside of highsec, often camping the border systems where the can engage in aggression with much less, or no, punishment. Only when someone overloads their ship in highsec to make sacrificing your ship worthwhile do you put yourself at real risk.

As to the OP, yes CrimeWatch mechanics are a little confusing and maybe could be unified. It doesn’t really make sense you can shoot someone’s MTU and only get a suspect flag but you get CONCORDed if you shoot their wrecks. And the fleet-based thing is complicated sometimes.

At least you can abandoned your own white wrecks and have the safety system if you don’t want a flag. Of all the things that need attention related to CrimeWatch and PvP in Empire space, this isn’t that high on the list in my opinion.

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The reasons I set safety red is mostly to do with FW activity, you can’t use an area effect weapon on a war target without setting safety red. I guess the same applies for any war but FW tends to be mostly legal targets especially since they changed to complex gates to send neutral targets suspect.
Also every so often a target will be hiding behind a pretense of neutrality and lawfulness and you need to have safety red to send them to their clone maker.

Well that makes sense and explains why you put your safeties to red sometimes.

But why don’t you put it to green when you enter high sec? Or at least yellow?

Having the correct safety settings saves a headache and your ship in high sec. I’ve seen so many ships getting destroyed by Concord because they forgot to use the right safety settings and accidentally made a wrong move. It’s hilarous, but also easily avoidable.


Depends how often you travel between the two different security levels.

And how often you get blown up by Concord.

Not often, it just tends to be something comparatively expensive to the thousands of ships I have lost in low sec.

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