WTA 50m SP perfect Nyx pilot

Selling this fine pilot:

  • 47.5m SP in Skills, 3.6m SP unallocated
  • Gallente Carrier V
  • Advanced Spaceship Command V
  • Capital Ships V
  • Fighters V
  • Heavy Fighters V
  • Light Fighters V
  • All relevant dronesupportskills at V
  • Evasive Maneuvering V
  • JDC V
  • 4m SP in Engineering
  • 5.1m SP in Armor
  • Cybernetics V

Can fly Minmatar covops/bomber + Covops Cloak.

Positive wallet, no killrights, will be in Jita by time of transfer.
Transfer wil be paid for with CC by seller.

Starting bid: 55b
Reserve: hidden
Buyout: 70b

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How about 50b?

well, the starting bid is still 55b. gonna give it some time…




51B offer

starting bid is still 55b

55b offer

Offer retracted

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