WTB 20-40m skills character [Done]

need:Small and medium-sized combat ships with high basic level
can offer 20-40b

i can sell this perfect ishtar toon with eos en pvp assault frigate and magic14

How much isk do you want

35 b/o

I think 24b is a good price

i didnt sell it at this price

Hi, i agree myself in 24b in other thread repéat here.

I am in high sec PERIMETER, no killing rights, positive wallet, i leave to npc one moment ago. one clone with 2 * +5

I transfer as soon i receive the isk and account, anser the thread and i do.

sent you the isk and account pls transfer to my account

isk received, i sent to a steam account in two minutes, just traveling to perimeter (two jumps)

Transfer done.

character received , transfer done in 9/23/2024 01:18:42

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