WTB 300m-400m PVP specced Char

WTB 300m-400m PVP specced Char

: old char
: short corp history
: not much work to skill titans if not already done

Alexander Minto Hughes Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)

I got offered 340b isk when the char broke 210m sp, obviously i turned down


of course you did :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Shinsou Tengen Board - Quantum Anomaly (qsna.eu)

Oh my… That is one fine toon


Still looking


I am interested in your char. pls PM me. cheers

do you still sell this char ?


I offered him like ~ 1/2 Trillon ISK one week ago. I guess hes currently afk

320b for 210mil SP? Good Luck mybe there is a buyer somewhere. you never know.

PS: Insulting me ingame and blocking a reply is pretty childish btw. Grow up!

bump*ingm … you can PM me as well

Told you it was a price check yet you carried on about wanting to buy it…

If i wznted to sell my char it would have been in the correct forum sections and done to the rules…

I got offered 600b for my 354m sp but obviously I turned it down

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its completely legit to buy the char directly from the price check forum…and also someone can kindly ask. But whatever… you will get it sometime

im in and out dont play to much anymore. anyone with offers can inbox me and ill try to check when i can.

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I sent you an ingame mail
