WTB 55m+ Character

you r not dropping at all, regardless of the fact that I went quite up.

can do 83b then, final. if u r still going to insist on 85b be my guest and good luck.

Yea its 85 bill and no problem good luck with your searching.

83.5 bill

83b can accept right away

Seeing as I feel like ive messed you around ill do the 83 bill and can transfer right away if you have spare room for a character now. Plesse send isk and account details again as I deleted them.

isk and details send. initiate transfer asap

Isk and account info received and the transfer has been started. Thank you.


Same applys as before all the clones still there we talked about in game and in high sec.

102mill sp
1 remap and 1 bonus
Positive wallet
Located in jita
Not in a corp

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