[WTB] Corp/Alliance Mumble Server (Chinese Mainland)


4 Core Intel Xeon Silver/Gold/Platinum Processor (v)CPUs

4 GB ECC REG Memory

50Mbps China Mobile & China Unicom & China Telecom BGP NetWork (No traffic limit)

Block IP(s) & DDoS & CC Defense Firewall

Powerful management system

Only accept large cloud service datacenter (Alibaba Tencent Huawei etc.)

Datacenter : JD Cloud (京东云) SuQian Datacenter
CPU : Intel Xeon Platinum Processor
Memory : DDR4 2666MHz ECC REG Memory
Network : 50Mbps China Mobile & China Unicom & China Telecom JD BGP NetWork
Firewall : Block IP(s) & DDoS & CC Defense Firewall MAX ~XXXGB / per hours
Firewall : Support for Chinese mode (Foreign countries cannot access)
Disk : 40GB SSD RAID1
Management system : ESxi 6.7 or JD Management system
Test IP : has send to you mailbox
Price : 12b / per month , 120b / per year

I would like to apply for a trial, please provide me with a 4-core 4GB 50Mbps server.
If for an annual payment, I would like you to provide the ICP number in China and proof of the legality of the server (such as presenting a contract ).

Please send it to my mailbox

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