Budget around 30b-35b, looking for something either focused or under my budget and can be injector/extracted to fix holes in skills.
Bump. Might consider a pilot that is close to the needed skills under my budget that can be fixed with some extractors/injectors
bump it up
bump in pepperoni
After a fair few years out of the game, I’m considering selling this guy (Mazerati) and starting over from scratch.
How much you looking for? That character needs some TLC before it can be useful for a carrier or a dread.
Not really sure. He used to pilot a Thanatos and Moros back in the day. Last I played him regularly was back in 2019. I bought him from a friend who left the game to deal with RL issues. I don’t expect he’d fetch a premium like a more focused character. But he’s certainly off to a good start for someone willing to spend a little Plex on him.
I inquired about his worth in the price check forum, but it doesn’t seem to get a lot of traffic. So I guess the question is, what’s he worth to you? I’m certainly not unreasonable
ay so general rule of thumb is 1bil per 1mil of sp, unless specialized then you can ask for a little more.
Looks like it was sold before I got a chance to look, thanks anyways!
sold it
33 SP Sell 15B
The link is still private. Let me know the link to the shared profile please.
Still looking.
Last bump before i use the isk to inject