WTB "Low Skill" PI/Industry/Mining

I am looking to acquire a PI/industry focused character:

  • Needs to have at least 5M SP
  • Needs to have Cybernetics 5 trained
  • Ideally has all common PI skills trained
  • Reaction or T2/T3 building skills are a plus
  • Ability to fly mining barge, exhumer or Orca are a plus

Comment down below with the character sheet
You can give an indication of price, but I will mainly offer according to what it would be worth to me




How about these 2 beauties ?

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They’re nice miners, but am looking for a bit more industry focused. Also no cybernetics kinda hurts their value :confused:

Excuse me wt ds it mean - common PI skills trained. (wt is PL ?)

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PI - Planetary Interaction aka Planet Management skill group




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