WTB - Old character with low sp

a 2010 char if your interested

Still have a 2007 if anyone is interested. https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Matroxs
Also 2006: https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Marlida

Are these still available?

I am extremely interested, is he still available?


2006 with no corp History





Makes me wonder what 3 characters are worth, no corp history, never logged in since the WIS was implemented so no picture like this one (this plus 2 others, only history is the forum posts which are kinda b**chy sometimes from this toon), and their grand total SP individually is 59,600 SP each roughly; with 3 remaps. Never touched them, thought to myself “One day” but never got around to it.

And OP from this 4 month post sounds like looking for spy :wink:

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