WTB Some rare Suit(Adequate budget)

Men’s Triglavian Survival Suit (Svarog)-------each 3b need 3
Men’s Triglavian Survival Suit (Proving Grounds)-------each 15b need 3
Men’s Triglavian Survival Suit (Liminality)-------each 10b need 3
Men’s ‘Proven Kybernaut’ Combat Suit-------each 35b need 1
Men’s Proven Bioadaptive Mask-------each 35b need 1

Genolution ‘Auroral’ AU-79-------each 11b need 3

Women’s Triglavian Survival Suit (Svarog)-------each 2b need 3
Women’s Triglavian Survival Suit (Proving Grounds)-------each 10b need 3
Women’s Triglavian Survival Suit (Liminality) -------each 20b need 3
Women’s ‘Proven Kybernaut’ Combat Suit-------each 50b need 1
Women’s Proven Bioadaptive Mask------- each 40b need 1

If you are satisfied with the price, you can give me the contract directly.
If not, we can discuss it. This is not the final price.


Curious what your offer would be for a Men’s ‘Proven Kybernaut’ combat suit. I have one laying around

How about 20b?

Thank you, but I’ll pass.

Maybe you could give a price??

still looking for them!

Price updated