Looking for a tech II ship or drone BPOs, paying 170bil+ depending on the ship type or 120bil+ for the drone.
The price spread is quite big, so the best is to mail me and discuss specific price for a given BPO.
Looking for a tech II ship or drone BPOs, paying 170bil+ depending on the ship type or 120bil+ for the drone.
The price spread is quite big, so the best is to mail me and discuss specific price for a given BPO.
… my apologies, gl with the bpo hunt
@Sturla I’d appreciate it if you would act more civil next time. Please don’t hijack others’ posts and create your own WTB thread instead
still looking, also open to buy drone blueprints
still looking
Daily bump!
still looking
still looking
still looking
still looking
still looking
still looking
and up
and up