WTS 100+ Officer Mods (Cormack's DCU)

Hakim’s BCU sold, Tairei’s Modified Power Diagnostic System - 1.6b added

Estamel’s Modified Shield Boost Amplifier sold, a couple Tobias’ Modified Cruise Missile Launcher added

Gotan’s Modified Stasis Webifier - 19b
Tobias’ Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler - 18b
Estamel’s Modified Torpedo Launcher

Setele’s Modified Tracking Computer - 4.5b
Tobias’ Modified Large Proton Smartbomb - 13b
Unit F-435454’s Modified Sensor Booster - 3b
2x Unit D-34343’s Modified Damage Control - 8b

Whoops sorry lads. How and why does removing a comment bump the thread?

Added more Tobias’ Modified Cruise Missiles launchers 4.5b,
a couple more Tobias’ Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher 4.5b,
Gotan’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher 1.8b,
Gotan’s Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive 1.8b.

Added Tuvan’s Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive.

Tuvan’s Modified Tracking Computer - 3.5b
Thon’s Modified Cloaking Device - 1.5b
Brynn’s PDS sold

ill buy Mizuro’s Modified Large Proton Smartbomb and Thon’s Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb for 2.6b?

Invited to convo

Do you have multiple Gotan’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher? Looking for 6x

Apologies for the late response. I only have 1 :frowning: and it’s one of the ones on the market. If you want me to look for 1 more, I can do that.

A couple mods sold

updated stock!

Added Gotan’s Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler 9.8b

Chelm’s Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu - 1.5b

Will take Thon’s Modified Cloaking Device for 1.5bn ISK. Contract to Djavak Andrard in Jita 4-4.

Apologies, it was sold while I was away and couldn’t update the post. If you want, I will give you Kaikka’s for 1.4b for the inconvenience

Decided to start putting new expensive mods in the title to reflect updates better.

Sent you ingame mail on Vizan’s Modified Heat Sink.