WTS OFFICER MODS below Jita (10% sale)

|Cormack’s Modified Damage Control| 40b
|Cormack’s Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive|1| 17b
|Setele’s Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive|1| 4b
|Chelm’s Modified Large Armor Repairer|1| 4b
|Unit W-634’s Modified Sensor Booster|1| 6b
|Tobias’ Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive|1| 20b
|Hakim’s Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive|1| 3b
|Estamel’s Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb|1| 5b
|Estamel’s Modified Ballistic Control System|1| 15b

Willing to come down a little for bulk

bump. 10% sale.

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