WTS 15.2m SP Producer/Miner(507,384 unallocated)

Character has positive wallet.
No kill rights.
No jump clones or implants.
Docked in Amarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy.

Notable skills

Cybernetics 5

Advanced Industry 5
Advanced Mass Production 5
Capital Ship Construction 5

Reprocessing Effeciency 5
Simple/Variegated Ore Processing 4
Gas Cloud Harvesting 5

Exhumers 4
Expedition Frigates 4

Open to offers
B/O 22.5b

22.5B? Are you kidding, buddy? Does this character have out of print skins? So selling at such a high price, his extraction value is only 6.6B

I’m not selling for extraction value, keep your opinions to yourself.

I’m offering 14B - withdrawing the offer > reason : found cheaper with same SP

Sale bump

I suggest you accpt the 14b offer. With LUCK you can get 11b for your pilot, but 14 is a VERY good offer.

I am not related, only advice.

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