WTS 152 Mil SP Black Ops, Hel, Freighters

  • Positive wallet

    1. security status
  • No kill rights

  • In NPC corp

  • Starting bid 120B ISK


go 120 bil

what do you think?

118 and i ofc have money ready

ok send isk and info

isk and info sent

can you confirm that you started the transfer?

I’ll do it a little later

been half a day have you started transfer yet or have a timeframe

giving this a few more hours, seller seems to be ghosting after isk transferred

seems this guys account might have been hacked i filed a ticket for refund of isk

confirming account was hacked. ccp has a ticket since 30h.

this is a stolen character and CCP support is informed

this is a stolen character and CCP support is informed

Closed until GM team can resolve. All involved should contact support directly → https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011834800-Contacting-Support