WTS 15m SP SOE Missioner/Rattlesnake Focus


  • 7 SOE Faction Standing

  • Security Connections/Negotiation V
  • Clone with full high-grade crystals + Omega (Heavy Missile focused Zainou 5’s in slots 7-10)
  • Clone with full high-grade snakes + Omega
  • Clone with full +5 Attribute implants
  • Remote Trading Skills to 3/4 if you mission near a hub

Edit: Changed snakes to crystals on clone 1

Positive Security Status and Wallet

Starting Bid: 8B
BO: 12B

8 bil.

9b. bid


You’ve got 7 corp standing with SOE, not faction standing

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Also pretty sure someone purchased and they didn’t update this. Says the pilot is in a player Corp now.

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