WTS 18.8 mill sp character

18.8 mill sp
Located in jita
No kill rights
Has set of +5 improved 1-5 (no other clones)
Positive wallet
Positive sec status
1 normal and 2 bonus remaps


16bill b/o

Will run this for a week unless I see a buyout I like

I offer 12B

Looking for more

13 b?

Bump and looking for more



offer 14b

14.5 id take.


I’ll offer the 14.5B buyout then.

Ok send isk and account info then ill get it started.

Sorry for the delay, had to wait the last few minutes for a biomass timer to free room on the account I want the char on. Isk and Account info sent to Bambapi.

No problem isk and account info received and character transfer has been started. Thank you.

Character is incoming on my character transfer menu! Thanks for the quick and speedy transaction this morning. o7

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