WTS 2005 Level 4 Mission runner CN + SOE. 10M SP

Hi all,

selling this 2005 Mission runner char, has level 4’s with caldari navy and SOE.

SP 10,133,476

1. Wallet balance. POSITIVE

2. Kill rights NONE

3. Jump clones Located in Jita and Uuhulanen

4. Character location. JITA

Remap available has a set of plus 4’s


Skin for Barghest " Glacial Drift " installed

9 Billion start price 13 Billion buyout

daily bump. this will be a great starter char for anyone.

Start price lowered to 9 billion will consider offers.

Still for sale.

Been using this char with a barghest on level 4’s, with some love this char could be a decent pvper

ill start with 5B err /free bump :smiley:

thanks for the free bump, I appreciate it, but 5 bill is to low, 9 bill start seems to be below going rate. :slight_smile:

currently considering ingame offers,

char still for sale at this time

Still for sale, in game offers under consideration, waiting for feedback.

9b bo

accepted thanks please message me the details of the account

I just send you the account and isk as agreed in game by email earlyer today?

apologies, I did not see your mail, I will return your isk now

Isk has been returned, happy sale with Tical :slight_smile:

Good luck finding a char The answer \o

Thanks Sky_runner. Wilk send idk through in 9 hours as working atm

no problem, have a good day, I am UK time so it maybe when I wake up.

Isk has been sent

thanks character transferred. Enjoy!

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