Looking to sell a focused WH Nalg toon, T2 siege.
Is in Highsec, with positive wallet and all rules will be followed
14b starting
Looking to sell a focused WH Nalg toon, T2 siege.
Is in Highsec, with positive wallet and all rules will be followed
14b starting
16b offer
If no other offers in 12hours sold to Cai Zhuanxu for 16b
canceling the bid
Again if no higher offer in 12hours then you get it for 16,5b. If other offers this will end on 05/11 at 8pm GMT
Or will have a 18.5b b/o
16.5b offer
16.75b offer
17b offer
Sold! Send the isk and account name and Ill get it transfered
ISK & Account name sent.
As Agreed
Thank you
Sent, thanks
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