WTS 24.5M SP, 2011 Golem/Tengu/Cerb Missile Focused Female

guided missil and target at 4… cruise missile at 2 torpedo is 3

Minimum required for perfect missi is 5 for guided and target and 4 in specialisation…
evasive at 5 the magic 14 is not a fun skill is just mandatory for every toon because this skill is mandatory for every fit and ship jesus…

15B keep me in mind.

i have bid 20.1b dude xD

Updated Skillpoints, was 24M, now 24.5M.

same bid for me :slight_smile:

@Liberty_Tokila I accept your offer of 20.1B isk, send it and send me an in-game eve mail with the account you want me to transfer to

@Liberty_Tokila awaiting 20.1B isk and account name eve mail

i send it in 6 hours i m not in home fine?

yes, no worries, thanks for the update

np i didnt see your first answer i m blu pinged only with the 2nd :frowning:

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@Liberty_Tokila Reminder bump

cancel the bid for buy super toon 90-100b isk

I can match the 20.1 offer if u want isk available on hand

Hey Mina, I accept your offer for 20.1B isk, send isk and an in-game eve mail with the account you want the transfer sent to.

Isk and account sent.

@Mina_Therrin transfer started, will complete tomorrow

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