WTS 30 MIO SP Char (2017) 268K SP unallocated

Here i am for sale:

[ Stelliya Tiov Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)

Bonus Remap x2
No Killrights
Positive Wallet

Feel free to give me offers

Need to open the skill view up, seems to be locked or hidden

Stelliya Tiov Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com) look here :slight_smile:


thx for offer but i will wait a little bit longer for more offers. 30 B/O

bump go up

still interested in trade ? Deal for 25B?

Not right now, sorry - bought another toon earlier today, otherwise would have.

Got a few things running, if still available in a few days then I’ll rebid.

bump to the top

18 bil

22 bill

25 is bo i dont gibe it away for less

bump up with you

Bump Up

bump to the top

Bump to the top Bo/ 23

noone interested ?

Bump up to you


ok Deal