Positive Wallet
Transport Ships V
Recon Ships IV
Gallente Industrial V
Interdictors IV
Security Status 0.0
the char is located at jia 4-4
Start 15 B
B/O ?
Positive Wallet
Transport Ships V
Recon Ships IV
Gallente Industrial V
Interdictors IV
Security Status 0.0
the char is located at jia 4-4
Start 15 B
B/O ?
Bump Day !!
BumP Day !
Bump !
16 b ready
Bump !
Bump Day !!
Bump !
Bump Day !
Bump Day !
Bump !
15b bid
ok send name account and isk
until the money has been sent, the char is always on sale
I will send money in a 30 minutes, omw home
ok Ok
account info and isk sent
ok start immediately sending char