WTS 33Mil SP+ 1Mil Free T2 Core Rorq & Refining Character -

12345 password

Near perfect Rorq Skills
All null ores (besides Mercoxit) Refining V (1 day train left on Ochre)
Cybernetics V
Indy Core V
Mining Drone Spec V
Shield Command V
Capital Construction II

Asking for 30B
B\O 38B

@Marcus_Algaert 32b offer here and now

38b it’s worth it , will send isk and account tonight.

Offer accepted

isk and account are sent by sbppx .

Still not received isk and the account info

you are not the guy

Still waiting for the isk and info.
Are you sure you send it to me?

Lol. ISK and info not received? This is beginning to sound dodgy.

1 hour old character trying to scam me xD

my offer is still valid… 32 b

accepted send the isk and account info

isk and info sent. thx

i am trying to scam you i just forgot to pay after i reply, sorry dude.

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