Located in Oijanen
Positive wallet
4.1 Security status
Member of an NPC Corporation
Clone with +3 implants

26 bil

27 bil

28b offer

29 bil

30 bil

BO - 32 bil
isk ready.

33b offer. Isk ready (obviously)

Offer BO - 33.5bil

34b offer

34.5bil b/o

35b offer

35.5bil b/o

Accept your offer
please send isk and your account to me

Isk sent. Account details eve mailed

36b offer

The transfer has been completed, please check your receipt.

Transfer showing pending. Much appreciated.

@GM_Chaos @GM_Telomer @GM_Aisling @GM_Baldur @GM_Tarkin @GM_Goat
I need help, I mistyped the numbers on my isk and the transfer was made without the money being transferred out of the account.

I apologise for causing you unnecessary trouble due to my problems, and although I have asked the GM for help, I would appreciate it if you could transfer the remaining ISK to me once you have received your character.