WTS 36 mil Gallente Pilot **SOLD**

Well, I have to be honest. I kind of lost my way with this guy. He was originally going to be heading for Caps (mostly carrier and supercarrier). Then he just kind of got forgot about for an extended length of time. Most recently, he was being used as a mission runner. Not really sure what to ask for as a starting bid but I am thinking nothing no less than 18 bil. Serious offers only will be considered and no low ball offers will be accepted. Auction will run for 72 hours or until a bid is accepted.

Positive sec status, positive wallet, no killrights. Remap available, 1 bonus remaps available.

18B offer

18B bid noted. Will run auction for another 24 hours.


18.5b offer

18.5b offer noted. Last bump. Auction will run for 2 more hours.

19b offer

Noted. One hour left.

Auction closed pending isk transfer. 19 Bil offer accepted. Awaiting isk and account info.

ISK and account name sent ingame, please wait 10 hours before initiating the transfer. Biomassing a character to make space

Understood. Will wait 10 hours to initiate transfer.

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Character is biomassed, feel free to start the transfer

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Sorry, a little late. New Years festivities got me! Starting transfer now.

No problem. Can confirm the transfer

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