WTS 37.6m sp Ishtar/Tengu Alt, 638k unalloc SP - REDUCED


Perfect Ishtar/Tengu Alt
Heavy Drones 5
Sentry Drones 5

37.6mill sp with 638k unallocated SP.

Wallet Balance: 0 isk
Kill Rights: none
Jump clones: Has some in 0.0 but medical is in highsec
Character Location: Jita

30 bill

25bil buyout offer…

Fix the character link…

Link fixed! Sorry!

28.5 bil


Sorry, going to hold out for 30. First to do 30 bill bid gets her!

ok good luck to you. consider my last bid retracted…

Thank you! Last bid retracted, no worries!

Confirming 28.5

30 bil

@Aloof Smack offer accepted! Send isk and evemail account name, and I’ll start the transfer

Isk sent and and Account name given ingame to Kota Hetei

Isk received

“Target user has too many characters”.

Please confirm when you have an open slot for me to transfer to and I will transfer.

New account name sent

Transfer started, pleasure doing business!

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Kota Hetei

Will be completed after: 8/27/2017 11:23:49 AM

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